Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fibroadenomas | Breast Pain Blog

Fibroadenoma is the most common benign tumor (tumor) in the chest. They are caused by the proliferation of connective tissue and glandular tissue. Depending on the proportion of this growth on different networks there are two other forms. In what is called an adenoma, especially the proliferation of glandular tissue present in the connective tissue predominantly influenced fibroma. Fibroadenoma, adenoma and fibroids are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.

The fibroadenoma as a firm, smooth and finite sliding knot feels, sometimes it can be a bit bumpy. Node can reach a diameter of 5 mm to 5 cm. Fibroadenoma generally harmless, they usually do not have to be removed.
A Fibroademon caused only in rare cases complaints. In the face of a period can occur in the context of premenstrual tension syndrome, pain in each breast.

The diagnosis of benign tumors that are made on the basis of a medical palpation and mammography (X-ray) and ultrasonography (USG). In assessing fibroadenoma it is important that the malignant tumors (breast cancer) are excluded, which is sometimes difficult. Therefore, for the sake of security usually a tissue sample (biopsy) is done, especially if the node develops.

Fibroadenomas should be monitored regularly for monthly, through their own scanning of the chest, on the other - depending on the recommendation of the attending physician - by ultrasound examination at intervals of three months or more.

Some of the benign growth likely to continue to grow and then can replace the surrounding tissue. Especially in younger women - especially in the context of pregnancy - fibroadenomas grow rapidly, while they stagnate in women after menopause sooner. Depending on the size, location and rate of growth of fibroadenomas nodes may also be removed. This is usually done with a smaller intervention (punch biopsy under vacuum), with local anesthesia.
By removing other small fibroadenoma fibroadenoma that can be stimulated to grow, so the routine inspection should be done.

The special shape - Phyllodes tumor
A special form of fibroadenoma is rare, called phyllodes tumor. It should consist of a fibroadenoma of connective tissue and glandular tissue, connective tissue dominant proportion. Phyllodes tumors mostly benign, but there are also dangerous and "limit" the kind that has the potential to metastasize.

For safety's sake phyllodes tumor surgery with stitches healthy side. In malignant tumors sometimes complete removal of the breast (mastectomy) is required. Malignant form poorly to endocrine therapy and chemotherapy success rate - and radiotherapy are also low.

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