There are many reasons for this: fluid retention caused by
this hormone and hence an increase in the volume of course, not all women are
the same. It may be on a different sensitivity of the receptors of the target
organs in the chest, lying. Also, do not make all women in the same amount of
hormones. But above all, it seems very different women sensitive to pain
stretches. Mental processing of pain plays in the perception of pain and the
central role here, people are very different.
Women after natural menopause rarely complained of chest
pain, unless they take hormones. Later, however, they often suffer less easily
Other causes of chest pain
In addition to breast infection breast cysts cause pain.
Cysts, such as doing a general fluid retention, by the accumulation of
secretion of glands in the lobules voltage pain. Once again, women have a very
different perception of pain. Some women with cysts of about 10 cm keinerleit
complaint, torture small cysts and you can easily help them through Abpunktion
How can a doctor help?
Experience has shown that often plays anxiety in women with
chest pain is more important than the pain itself. Physicians should be removed
carefully and sensitive questions illustrate the suffering of patients. To the
question: "What are you depressed more: fear, to have something or the
pain itself?" respond to the majority of patients, "Fear". These
women can be helped by careful examination and convincing conversation. These
include breast examination, ultrasound and, depending on age, mammogram. It
makes no sense to explore the whole range of diagnostic options, but to make
the appropriate tests to personal risk. After the investigation, if it is not
found, the risk for women to have breast cancer diagnosed, much lower than
before. It soothes the pain of every woman and now can almost always
acceptable, "Yes, now I can live without a problem ..."
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