Chest pain can have a variety of reasons. The obvious place of origin is the heart, lungs or esophagus. In consideration but can for example also the stomach or back
Pain in the chest area call many people equally awake thinking of a heart attack. The principle is wrong: Even if the pain continues behind the breastbone or on the left side of the body and spreads to the shoulders, arms or stomach, you need to remind your doctor as soon as possible. This is especially true if the manager or the person concerned for the first time the pain felt when previously there, doctors attack of angina pectoris (see below) are classified heart problems in strength and duration increased significantly or at rest, physical stress outside, becomes real.
But since this is not a typical symptom must always be present, it is good to always think in the chest discomfort and possible heart attack sooner rather than later to look for or consult with a doctor. It is also due to some other medical conditions that can cause these symptoms, also an absolute emergency.
Shallow moved chest pain
Chest pain may be initially responsible for all injuries and illnesses chest and organs and structures contained therein.
Located shallower including chest pain originating from itself, for example, a broken rib. They are aggravated by touching the injured site. Also irritation of the nerve (intercostal) or muscle tension can cause discomfort in the chest area. Pain caused so often influenced by certain movements or postures. When the Tietze syndrome approach to pain ribs on the sternum. Sometimes swelling seen in this area.
Hurt: Most likely the left or behind the breastbone
The cause of the pain that is felt deeper chest, often come in the heart of the question. Heart disease is usually located just behind the breastbone or on the left side of the chest, where this organ in general. You can radiate arms including in the upper abdomen, in the back, neck or left shoulder and left (rarely right).
In a heart attack, the pain is often experienced as oppressive and depressing or even destroy. Often occur at the same time for symptoms such as nausea, pallor, sweating and shortness of breath. Similarly, in the coronary artery calcification (coronary heart disease) occurs express chest pain (angina).
Heart rhythm disorders can also cause tightness in the chest area, which may be experienced as painful.
Other possible causes of chest pain is inflammation of the heart (pericarditis). Here, sharp chest pain and emit less common in other areas.
Also, valvular heart disease or inflammation of the heart muscle may be associated with chest pain. This also applies to the crisis increase pressure in hypertension.
An indication of heart disease can also occur simultaneously localizing symptoms other than pain and pain Character: circulation problems and decreased blood pressure and rapid heartbeat or irregular can be a cardiovascular disease or circulation weakens indicate bleeding. Even with hyperthyroidism can cause cardiac chest discomfort (called palpitations), may include shortness of breath, occurs.
Aorta: Often destroy pain
From the heart, aorta rings (aorta), which provides the body with blood. It can, for example, in an accident or blunt trauma to the chest tear (aortic). This has the result of life-threatening bleeding, which can only be stopped if people exposed to receiving medical attention can be operated in emergency and intensive medical care.
But even a tear in the wall of the aorta (dissection) may interfere with blood flow to the body is so that there is a danger for the patient. This can cause acute pain between the shoulder blades. Whether the front or back of the chest: The pain is very strong and is often seen as "devastating". Also can see the bulge of the aorta - called an aneurysm - a form. Explode the projection, also a fierce threatening bleeding, which would have to be treated.
Lung disease, breast or lung fur
In the lung disease or lung and breast pain Fells often breath-dependent, ie, increasing the inhalation or exhalation. Occurred at the same time shortness of breath or cough on, this can also be an indication in this direction.
What is meant here is, for example, such diverse causes such as bronchitis, pneumonia, lung cancer or pulmonary embolism, which is a vascular occlusion in the lungs. In both may indicate breathing, for example, coughing up blood, shortness of breath and pain. However, these symptoms are not always present in all cases and can also belong to other diseases. Pulmonary embolism risk factors including existing cancer, previous surgery or venous thrombosis. In patients with suspected pulmonary embolism should immediately notify the ambulance!
Where for any offense or because the air chest lung conditions in the space between the lungs and pleura, this can affect the respiratory sensitive and even cause the collapse of the lung. Pneumothorax must therefore also have to be treated immediately. This is manifested by dyspnea and stabbing pains in the chest, often moving the chest when breathing unbalanced or only on one side.
Mediastinal disease (mediastinum), the space between the two lungs, sternum and spine can also cause chest pain.
Esophagus problems
However, the problem of the esophagus as a result of acid reflux esophagitis of the stomach (reflux esophagitis) or esophageal motility disorders that can cause chest pain. Usually the pain lie more centrally located behind the breastbone and in the upper abdomen and lower chest. They can be triggered by food intake.
When pain is often described as burning reflux of stomach and neck toward the ascending order. Failure in esophageal motility can cause pain and difficulty swallowing and belching or walking back from food. A slit throat that may occur after violent vomiting can cause pain in the sternum. The same thing applies to esophageal cancer.
Referred pain
In addition, however radiates into the chest cavity and pain from other areas of the body such as the area of the spine, chest muscles, stomach or intestine. The so-called complex Roemheld problem is somewhat different: Here it comes to heart disease reflex on a full stomach or steaming. Certain diseases of the digestive tract - for example, bile duct - a project can be pain in the chest area. Known example in biliary colic.
In addition, psychological causes such as anxiety disorders, phobias or depression of heart may be behind the symptoms in some cases.
In shingles that some may come to chest pain along the affected nerves even before the emergence of bubbles.
Mammary gland diseases
In women came as a cause of pain in the chest area and shallow diseases of the mammary gland in question. So, for example, cause hormonal changes during the draw cycle of pain and breast tenderness. Others in this post Sore breasts (mastalgia). But even inflammation, abscess or tumor benign and malignant breast, breast cancer, for example, can cause pain sometimes.
Original Source: Apotheken-Umschau
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