Thursday, March 12, 2015

Breast Pain, Annoying but Mostly Harmless

Many women have for a shorter time or more sometimes suffer from severe pain in the chest. This pain can range from strained or irritating sensation that lasts a few days a month for a constant torment.
The pain can occur in both breasts, but also only one of two or parts thereof. The pain may spread to the armpit and upper arm. Approximately 70% of the women in his life been affected. Symptoms may occur in early adolescence and persist into old age.
Many women think immediately bostkanker. In most cases, however, it is something completely different.
In addition, chest pain is rarely a symptom of breast cancer. Classic pain in patients with breast cancer in one breast felt, always present and intense. In 2-7% of patients with chest pain (s), diagnosis of breast cancer was found.

1. Cyclic Pain Associated with Menstruation
The pain associated with fluctuations in hormone levels. He did before menstruation, sometimes a few days, sometimes 2 weeks. The pain will be reduced after menstruation begins.
Breast feels tense and painful to the touch. Sometimes the pain is always present and are usually located in the upper outer quadrant of the breast, spreading to the arm and armpit. It is often two sides, but may be more severe in one breast. Sometimes there are abnormalities (nodules) feeling in the chest.
Cyclic breast pain is most common between 20 and 40 years. Of all menstruating women, approximately 40% suffer from this complaint cyclical breast. Sometimes women like these complaints for years, especially if they have started 20th year of life. Why are some women and others do not suffer from premenstrual breast pain is not known.
Reduction of symptoms can occur with cycle disorders, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause (menopause). In addition, the use of birth control pills and hormone therapy around the transition can sometimes reduce symptoms.
Not so many, but the relationship between hormone levels (estradiol, progesterone and prolactin) and the sensitivity of breast tissue to play this. This sensitivity can also be enhanced by other factors such as stress.
That postmenopausal women can also have this pain can be explained by the adrenal glands also produce female hormones.

What can you do?
  • The most recommended tool is Evening Primrose Oil (Primrose oil). The recommended dose is 6 times a day 40 mg or 80 mg three times per day.
  • Although the pain cycle determined yet for this hormone is rarely prescribed hormone. To be decided exclusively for the pain to prescribe hormones, it is recommended to wait three months. The pain can reduce spontaneously. The contraceptive pill could be a good size for the pain, but it works sometimes counterproductive.
  • If you take the pill, you can try or discontinuation of the pill has a beneficial effect. In postmenopausal women with estrogen replacement therapy can cause similar symptoms. The probability that the termination or change drugs have beneficial effects on the symptoms somewhat greater in this group.
  • When you are sick interfere in consultation with your doctor taking painkillers (paracetamol).
  • In case of persistent abdominal pain, which seriously affects the quality of life, the therapist may for a short time at low doses of drugs that work on hormones.
  1. Tamoxifen is an agent that is used in the treatment of women with breast cancer. Tamoxifen has some serious side effects such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and in the long run increase the risk of cervical cancer. Therefore it is recommended to not use more than 6 months.
  2. Danazol (a synthetic hormone related to testosterone) can be prescribed. These drugs inhibit the activity of estrogen and progesterone, a hormone that has an effect on the breast. Because of this long-term use of medication side effects occur, are usually prescribed only briefly.
  3. Bromocriptine (Parlodel). This drug gives a lot of side effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fainting and headaches.
  • A good bra of the right size and shape of the breast support good, can help.
  • Changes in diet, such as low-fat diet, sometimes can reduce symptoms.

2. Pain Non-cycles That are Not Associated with Menstruation
The pain is not caused by hormones, but by abnormalities in the breast tissue. In the form of mastalgia, woman continuous or intermittent pain in the breast (s).
The pain is often too local, can be very severe and can vary from minutes to days and can sometimes be triggered by a certain pressure at a point in the chest. The pain is more common for one breast.

There may be several causes.

  • One (old) injury or blow in the chest.
  • After a biopsy or surgery.
  • After a heavy movement in which the breast bouncing around (eg. During exercise).
  • Cysts (vochtblaasje) or tissue nodule (hardening of connective tissue in the breast). It can be benign and malignant.

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