Friday, March 13, 2015

Breast Pain | Mastalgia

Breast pain is the most common symptom of breast (60%), which led her to a clinical breast examination.
Given the complexity of the function of the breast, breast pain is the most emblematic example of the interference due to the implications of psychological, emotional and symbolic, can put a strain on the most solid balance of those affected.
The intensity with which can manifest itself is variable: mild to moderate to severe forms of social life and interfere with daily activities.

The breast pain can be classified into three clinical syndromes:

  • cyclical breast pain
  • Breast pain is not cyclical
  • extramammaria breast pain.

Mastodynia cycle
The most common. The cause is unknown. And 'the possibility that the action of estrogen is not balanced with progesterone action peripheral evoke physical modifications such as water retention with edema and local breast pain that determines the clinical picture. In some cases there is a latent hyperprolactinemia.
Manifests childbearing age in relation to the menstrual cycle. The average age of onset is 34 years, but can also occur in 14 years.
It can be unilateral or bilateral with nervousness, weight, breast swelling and swelling that occurs 2-7 days before the menstrual cycle, but sometimes even in mid-cycle. Regression with the arrival of the menstrual cycle.
Place: outer quadrant of the breast, upper quadrant.
Not well localized and often radiates to the ipsilateral axilla and the inner surface of the arm and the pain associated with the clinical picture of nodularity spread.
Stress can increase breast pain intensity
Physical activity increases the pain, especially if it requires the commitment of the limbs and the chest muscles.
Contraception affect pain rarely, in some cases strengthening.
The pain may last for years
Disappear with menopause.
Mastodynia NOT cyclical
The cause is unknown (idiopathic), but sometimes it may depend on the presence of benign lesions or ductal ectasia, which should be suspected in cases of localized pain in the central quadrant of the breast.
Less common cyclical breast pain (30%) are not associated with the menstrual cycle.
Applicable in the fourth decade of life (40-50 years), while the cyclic more often in the third decade
The pain can range from moderate to severe, reported as weight or discomfort, sometimes. stinging or stabbing, intermittent or continuous exacerbation.
Headquarters: most often unilateral, sometimes not locatable accurate, and refers to the whole breast or upper-outer quadrant of the nipple-areola or region.
The duration of symptoms varies, but is generally more than 50% of cases had spontaneous resolution of menopause.

Mastalgia false
It will not be a classic but breast pain is characterized by pain in the breast to the causes extramammary and of course the main feature is that the pain is not associated with the menstrual cycle.

Tiezte Syndrome
- Characterized by pain localized to one or both of the inner quadrant of the breast, continuous, oppressive and shallow, which emphasized the giunzoni condrosternali pressure and breathing.
- E 'caused by osteochondritis osteochondral joints.
Spinal pain origin
- Breast is the center of a network of nerve fibers of different anatomical regions and which can provide pain so that patients can be swapped as derived from the mammary gland. The nerve endings derived from the last cervical vertebrae and the first thoracic.
- In this case the breast palpation, moving gently if necessary, you can verify that the pain comes from acupressure beach and even at a distance from the breast back in the chest area.
- Or breast pain can be caused by spinal acupressure.
- The main problem is history.
Angina pectoris

And 'main purpose is important to exclude cancer as a cause of breast pain, although only one case of breast pain average of 200 take origin from the tumor.

Age is a key factor. In observational research staff, conducted in collaboration with Paolo Veronesi, in 4500 consecutive carcinoma operated, only 3% of cases the pain associated with tumors. In all these cases, however, the patient's age of menopause., Although there are no recorded cases of pain associated with cancer in women under the age of 50 years.

It is important to identify the location, intensity and duration of breast pain. Individual assessment include: medical history, physical examination, and if necessary, ultrasound and mammography. In women over the age of 36 years is always advisable to take precautionary action mammogram.
In young women or very young breast ultrasound alone could be enough for clinical confirmation.

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