Sunday, March 15, 2015

When Should You See A Specialist?

The first place that comes a woman with breast problems usually to your family doctor, then they should know this pathology and the way in terms of their work.
In many cases, primary care physicians can address the problem, at least initially, especially:
  • In young women are more sensitive to pain (or with mild or moderate pain) without palpable nodule lesions.
  • In women under 50 who presented nipple discharge without other associated problems and where it is likely that it is a side effect of the drug, for example suspected.
  • In another case, which is set forth below, the patient should be referred to a hospital for special study:
  • All women with palpable tumors.
  • Nipple discharge in women older than 50 years and a bloody discharge, persistent or problematic in young women nipple.
  • Breast pain interfere with quality of life and sleep and you do not respond to treatment.
  • Shrinkage or distortion of the nipple, the nipple skin contour changes or eczema.
  • Strong family history of breast cancer.
  • Nodules asymmetries persist after menstruation.
Angelina Jolie,  mastectomy
How breast nodules treated?
Treatment depends on the diagnosis was made after a thorough study of breast lumps. Treatment can range from medication (eg, antibiotics if a breast abscess or certain hormonal medication if diagnosed with breast cystic disease) with different surgical procedures (lumpectomy or simple excision of the tumor while preserving the breast, if the tumor is benign to mastectomy or removal of the entire breast, where cancer) .

Final Thoughts
Breast exam performed by the patients themselves, to find a change in the consistency of the mammary gland, lymph and even more subtle changes such as skin shrinkage. The great advantage of breast self-examination is that women learn to know your breasts.
Many patients go to your family doctor first when they have a problem in their breasts. It should guide the problem, solve it if trained or send a woman to a specialist when the situation demands.
Before regular, hard, unclear and remain in the surrounding structure breast lump should always rule out breast cancer.
Nipple retraction, associated with eczema thereof and / or tumor behind the areola should be suspected breast cancer.

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